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Who we are

The PADC are a collective of competition organisers, Pro-Am & Teacher-Student competitors and their teachers with a common goal to ensure we all have the chance to share our love for dance in the most positive way possible.


1. To give organisers, Pro-Am & Teacher-Student competitors and their teachers a voice on the structure of competitions aimed for them in the UK. To ensure as much fairness, transparency and enjoyment, whilst maintaining a high-quality experience for all involved.

2. To put in place a system which rewards Pro-Am & Teacher-Student competitors and their teachers for their contribution and efforts towards dancing in the UK competitive environment.

3. To ensure the growth and continuation of the Pro-Am & Teacher-Student community in competitive dancing through learning, development and teamwork.

Core values


Transparency – Open discussion on matters affecting the structure of events aimed at Pro-Am & Teacher-Student competitors.

Respect & Courtesy – Treating each other with mutual respect, even when opinions and perspectives may differ and to always be courteous to one another.

Inclusive Community - An inclusive collective of members from a diverse range of lived experiences and backgrounds, offering different perspectives, and who believe in giving everyone a fair opportunity in competitive dancing.

Teamwork & Support – Organisers, competitors and teachers alike working together, respecting each other’s varied skill sets and supporting each other to create successful outcomes and positive relationships.

Learning & Humility – We are all here to learn and develop our dancing, but also how we plan and structure events. It is expected that a little trial and error will occur, especially if we are trying something new and understanding that a perfect solution to issues either in the past or future is not the expectation. An understanding that compromises may be made where necessary.

Joy & Love for Dance! – Perhaps the most important value is that we are a collective here to share our love and enjoyment for dancing. Joy and fun should be the foundation for all we try to achieve through this collective.

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